Posts Tagged ‘profit targets’

Silent Marketing – How to Hit Your Target

February 14, 2011


Want to grow your sales and profit? Listen!

Silent Marketing – How to Hit Your Target


Can you believe that we’re already in February? 12.33% of 2011 has already gone!  So how have you spent the first 12% of 2011?  Are you on target to achieve your marketing goals?

In fact today is February 14th – Valentine’s Day.  It is the day for publicly celebrating romantic love.  But that’s another story.    I always take this opportunity to remind my clients  to focus particularly on their marketing relationships.  Accomplishing your sales and profit goals require good relationships with others – especially your prospects, customers and employees.

In February I urge my clients to re-establish their marketing relationships for another good reason; to regain momentum. As we all know, the New Year usually kicks off with new resolutions, high expectations and motivation but by early February, we tend to lose momentum.

Achieving goals is not always easy.  How many times have you set a goal and not achieved it?   Well, read on and hopefully this will help you hit the bullseye.

To achieve success with your sales and marketing goals, you need to answer the following  critical questions:

  • Do you know what to do? – knowledge
  • Do you know how to do it ? – skill
  • Do you know why you want to do it?  – motivation

The most important question, yet the least understood, is the last one.  Why it is  important for you personally to achieve that specific goal.    Until you can answer this question, you will not be fully committed to your goal.

So, don’t forget…12.33% of the New Year has already been and gone.  Isn’t  it time to re-visit your marketing, sales and profit goals?

Are they where they should be?